

How are you guys?!? This has been my day so far: work from 4am-12:30 >>> eat >>> shower >>> study. Well, study in theory. I sat down and realized I only got a few hours of sleep last night and I don’t think I could focus on studying no matter how much I want to. Do you ever have days like that?

Did I ever tell you guys that I’m finally out of the number section of my textbook? I mean I don’t have them all perfectly memorized and I’m probably gonna have to reference stuff for a while, but I’m finally on grammar!! 😁😁😁👍

Anyway, I hope you guys are having a good day and feel way less sleepy than I do right now. Haha.


Hola! How are you today?

Man, I’m posting on here a lot lately, huh? I think I’ve posted more this week than I usually do in a whole month. It’s because I had, like four days in a row off of work, so I haven’t been so exhausted. Usually a full night of sleep doesn’t even make me feel better, so having more than one in a row has done a lot to help my will to study. 👍

As I’ve been using my TTMIK workbook I’ve run into my inability to mess up my books. I have such a hard time writing in books…. even when they’re made to be written in! Hahaha. I documented it a little bit on Instagram.

So. Many. Page. Flags.

It was kind of hard to close the book without folding any of the papers, and writing on the flags and putting them in was a major pain in the booty. And then I came across a crossword puzzle that made me ditch the page flags and switch to a pencil. LOOK!


I did it! Yay! xD

That’s really all I wanted to say. Lmao. I need to take a shower because I have work tomorrow (bleck) and then maybe have a cup of tea… but after that it’s back to Korean Grammar in Use and NUMBERS. Sigh. I will get this eventually, guys. I know it.

Have a good day (:


안녕하세요! Did someone mention my blog somewhere or something? I had a weird influx of visitors a few days ago. More than usual, at least. Haha. Thank you (:

I know you guys are probably tired of hearing me talk about my numbers struggles, but counting large numbers in the Korean way is weird. 😩 Like I don’t know how to Big Number at all. I always somehow slip back into the way an American would do it and I don’t even realize it’s happening. Like, I’ve read a lot of things explaining how and it’s not helping much. It helps while I’m actually reading (sometimes… Kinda), but I need my brain to just click already so I’ll understand without having to triple check why/how I did it wrong.

I spent so long (like two hours, with stretching breaks) trying to figure it out last night. Why is this so difficult for me? Holy moly! I was eventually like “GO AWAY, Korean Grammar in Use! BYE, NUMBERS!!” xD I feel so slow.

Anyway, I haven’t looked at Talk to Me in Korean for a while, so I’m going to wave to that today. I took a peek yesterday and I don’t remember anything from my recent studies with it (oops) so that’s going to be tough, but it’s okay. I’m excited to start using the workbook I bought.

OH! I almost forgot! So I love both TTMIK and KGiU but I still feel like I need something else…? I think I’m just the type of person who needs to reference multiple sources. Anyway, I was looking at legit textbooks and I still don’t know. I see a lot of people talking about Ewha. Do you guys like that one? I think I’ve asked that before, but oops.

How is your studying going? (:

I really love this song.


Uuuuuugh. Someone give me permission to skip the number thing.

IMG_8121 I don’t wanna do it. Who needs to count anyway?! And also who needs to know dates and times and all that jazz? I’ll start living a simplistic life. Right. Yeah. 좋아

Sigh. Okay, yeah. I know I need all of the above. I just really want to move on in this book. And I think I might. I’ve been trying to remember numbers and days and stuff for so long, but I just can’t. It’s not sticking. Help meee! How did you guys remember?

Have a good day!! Here’s some music 😁



I haven’t written in forever. I don’t even know where to start. Not much has been going on, actually. I haven’t been studying lately (big surprise!), so there’s nothing to update on. ㅠㅠ How boring. xD

I made 떡볶이 the other day!


I never thought I was bad with spicy food, but the first taste had me crying… literally. Hahaha. I made it more mild, though, and it was good. I think it’s a little awkward because rice cake isn’t something we have in typical American cooking (and I’m not used to it), but it wasn’t bad at all. 👍👍

Also, this came in the mail today! Yaaaaaaaaay!


I haven’t studied with it at all yet, but I was hoping to take a look through it quickly tonight before I go to bed. I have work in the morning, so I can’t do more than look, but after I get home tomorrow it’s going to be study time. Hopefully. Yeah. Woo! PUMP IT UP! (No really. I need motivation. Hahaha ㅜㅜ)

Anyway, I’ll try to study more and write more often!! Listen to some music by Jonghyun because it’s so good and I’m super proud of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Korean Grammar (in Use! Kinda. Not yet.)

Hi hi hi hi hi!!

Sigh. I haven’t been studying lately because… well, I don’t actually know why. A mixture of things I guess. Not much has been going on in life either. Yesterday was my birthday and I’ve been working not a lot (I don’t want to see what my next paycheck is going to look like)… so yeah, I should be studying. I don’t know. I’m rambling. I just came on here for a quick thing!

Is there a difference between Korean Grammar in Use Beginning and Korean Grammar in Use Beginning to Early Intermediate? What is it? Because I can’t find any information and most other people seem to be just as confused as me. Let me know!

Anyway, Jonghyun finally came out with his solo debut!!! And if you haven’t noticed, I love Jonghyun. (All of SHINee, obv.) Oh my heart! Watch it. Love it. Have a good day!

What do you mean by “wild”?

Helloooo. How is everyone?! 😺

I was cruising through the library yesterday and, as usual, stopped in the language section to see if there was anything new. I happened to see one book called Wild Korean and was immediately excited. And then I saw the cover:


Like, what in the world? I know it’s called “Wild” Korean, but why is there Photoshopped wildlife on the cover? (😂) Whatever, I thought. But then I looked inside and saw this:


I remember thinking “Oh, this is some trashy book, huh?” I wasn’t going to get it, but I always feel the urge to at least look at any learning materials I come across. I looked inside when I got home and the information doesn’t look bad. And there’s exercises, so that’s cool. I still need to take a better look, though I don’t think this book is something I’ll be using. It definitely seems like a fun change of pace, just maybe not that one drawing. A few of the other photos were funny. (Can you sense my mixed feelings? XD)

Anyway, work is all over the place right now and I have a lot of books checked out from the library, so I don’t know how much studying I’ll be getting done through the rest of the holiday season. Wah!

Game plan for tonight:

  • Peek through Wild Korean
  • Translate and reply to Korean friend’s message
  • Review some earlier grammar, etc.


Instagram, anyone?

It’s four in the morning and I had to stop eating my breakfast because the cream cheese I used was apparently bad even though it’s brand new. And I just tried to reply to a comment and I accidentally closed the text box, which deleted everything. I need to nip this negative thinking in the bud RIGHT NOW, or today is just going to be horrible.

Anyway, onto why I came here… Do any of you guys have Instagram for your language learning? I was thinking about making a non-real-life account so I’d have somewhere to post quick things that don’t necessarily need a whole blog post. Or on Twitter MAYBE. (Or maybe Tumblr? But most likely not because that’s like a whole different blog.) But yeah… most likely Instagram. I don’t want to make something new if no one else will be there, though. XD

Also, will a kind soul please tell me what this means?: “연락하지말자고?!” It came across in a conversation, but I don’t know. I’m lazy. Haha.

Some more J Rabbit for our happiness.

Study changes, maybe?



There is nothing like opening up a fresh, new notebook. NOTHING. I’m convinced.

After work I was cruising through the stationary aisle (😱 the dangerous stationary aisle!!) for some Frixion pens and noticed these notebooks were on sale. I thought maybe it would be cool for some Korean studying.

As it happens, I was thinking about starting to use a different resource for studying. I adore Talk to Me in Korean, but I feel like maybe it’s not working as well for me now as it was before. I don’t want to drop it completely, but I feel I need to bring something else into the mix. I have no idea what, but whatever. I still want to buy a textbook, so I’m saving my money for those ridiculous shipping prices from Korea. 😭 /dies a little inside/

How is everyone else doing? Well, I hope! ♡

Music for your ears. 😊

How do you say “drool” in Korean?


Here’s a peek at my work space from a couple days ago. Coffee and snacks that I’ve compiled from breaks at work included!


A few days ago I learned that energy drinks do absolutely nothing for me if I’m already tired. And man! I was tired. I usually never get enough sleep at night and thought about sleeping without studying, but nah. So I set up everything and started working. It was fine for a while, but before I knew it I was waking up 30 minutes later with drool on my face* and a red mark on my temple where it was lying against my hand-pillow. I got up and went to bed.

This is where work and Korean clash. I learn best at night time. I’ve ALWAYS been more productive at night. But I start work at 5:30 in the morning, so I can’t stay up late. Boo. Sometimes I’ll study in the time I have before work, but it’s not the same. Haha.

I’m gonna have to find a new way to study, huh? I don’t know how to be a day person! Oops.

*I never drool when I sleep for the night, but naps seem to always have it. I don’t even know. Don’t judge me!